08 September 2006

Inside the classroom was an energy and enthusiasm not often seen during the regular school year in many US schools. These young Gabonese students willingly attend the summer school program founded by former students of their village called Mayumba. They are taught English, Spanish, French, math, and computers. (or should I say computer, since they only have one that they use to demonstrate basic computer skills). Their teachers also make sure they are given life lessons as well, always conscious of matching the social and educational development with the economic development of their people, their village, their country.

Below: DieuNoel MBOUMBOU, treasurer of the association, teaching English in the context of saving our youth from the devastation of HIV/AIDS.

I will post the video clip of Judicael MBATCHI who gives a rousing speech to the youth about the importance of education, focus, discipline and avoiding unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.


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